Hard Boiled Eggs

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1 servings
Eggs Uncategorized

4 s
2 qt Water

Lay the eggs in a tall pan and add enough cold water to cover by 1-inch, for 4 eggs about 2 quarts of water. Set over high heat and bring just to the boil; remove from heat, cover the pan, and let sit exactly 17 minutes. When the time is up, transfer the eggs to the bowl of ice cubes and water. Chill for 2 minutes while bringing the cooking water to the boil again. The 2 minute chilling shrinks the body of the egg from the shell. Transfer the eggs (6 at a time only) to the boiling water, bring to the boil again, and let boil for 10 seconds, which in turn expands the shell from the egg. Return the eggs to the ice water, cracking the shells gently in several places. Chilling the eggs promptly prevents the dark line form forming, and if you have time, leave the eggs in the ice water for 15 to 20 minutes before peeling. Chilled eggs are easier to peel. To peel, crack an egg all over by gently tapping it against the sink. Then, starting at the large end, and holding the egg either under a thin stream of cold water or in the bowl of ice water, start peeling. As soon as you have peeled it, return the egg to the ice water so that it will continue to chill. To store, they will keep perfectly in the refrigerator, submerged in water in an uncovered container, for 2 to 3 days. Recipe Source: COOKING LIVE with Sara Moulton Recipe courtesy of Julia Child, "The Way To Cook" From the TV FOOD NETWORK - (Show # CL-9107 broadcast 04-14-1998) Downloaded from their Web-Site - http://www.foodtv.com Formatted for MasterCook by Joe Comiskey, aka MR MAD - jpmd44a and at;prodigy.com ~or- MAD-SQUAD and at;prodigy.net 10-10-1998 Recipe by: Julia Child Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.


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