Butternut Squash Soup

Click here for a larger picture of Butternut Squash Soup
6 Servings
Squash American
Savory Squash Orange Soup Stew/Soup Soup/Stew American

1 cup chopped ks
2 rots sliced
2 ery stalks sliced
1 tbsp. butter or garine
2 tbsp. ve oil
1 roasted ternut squash (1.5-2 lbs)
5 cups vegetable ck
1 salt and per to taste
1/2 tsp. ground in
1 tsp. namon
1/2 tsp. und nutmeg
3/4 cup nge juice

(1) Roast the squash: cut squash in half (lengthwise) and remove seeds. Rub cut side with olive oil, place cut side on tinfoil on baking sheet. Roast at 425 degrees for 30 min or until fork-tender. Let cool. (2) In large saucepan, cook leeks, carrots, and celery in butter and oil, covered, over low heat (about 15 min or until vegetables are softened). (3) Scoop flesh of squash and add to soup mixture. Add vegetable stock, stir to combine. Add cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg and orange juice and continue to cook, covered, about 30 min. Let cool. (4) Puree soup mixture in food processor. (Rewarm before serving)


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