Delicious Deviled Eggs

36 Servings
Appetizers Side Dish Christmas Easter Fourth of July New Year Superbowl Thanksgiving Eggs German

18 s
8 tablespoons onnaise
5 tablespoon miracle p?
2 teaspoon spicy tard
2 teaspoon cestershire sauce
2 teaspoon te wine vinegar
1 teaspoon on powder
1 teaspoon lic powder
1/2 teaspoon t
1/2 teaspoon te pepper

Place eggs in a large pot of cool water with plenty of salt. Bring water to a boil. Let water boil for 11 minutes. Remove from heater and let stand for 2 minutes. Plunge the eggs in cold water. When eggs are cool enough, remove their shells and cut them in half lengthwise to remove the yolk. Place the yolks in a medium-size mixing bowl and mash them well. Mix remaining ingedients into the mixing bowl with the yolks. Blend mixture until smooth. For easy prep, put the mixture into a plastic baggie and cut the end off, then squeeze into the egg. Sprinkle with paprika. Place on bed of lettuce and/or garnish with parsley. Cool before serving.


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