Hunter Style Chicken

6 Servings
Main Dish quick and easy Quick Chicken American

2 1/2 pounds cut up cken (I used two boneless breasts and three thighs)
4 slices on
1 on, sliced
1 pound can diced atoes with juice
1/2 cup Heinz 57 sauce
1 teaspoon ar
1 teaspoon ur

Cut up bacon into one-inch chunks and fry until partially cooked. Add onion and continue cooking both until done. Remove from pan. Add chicken and brown. Mix tomatoes, Heinz 57 sauce and sugar, then add onions and bacon. Pour all over chicken and simmer for 40 minutes. Mix the 1 T flour with a little water and pour into sauce. Cook for a few more minutes until it's thick. Serve with rice.


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