German Fried Potatoes

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6 Servings
Potatoes German
Fry potato Side Dish German Potatoes Fall Savory

3 pounds atoes red or white
1 pound on maple flavored; cut in 1" pieces
2 large ons diced
1 bunch fresh sley chopped
t and pepper
1 cup ve oil for frying

Wash potatoes. Sometimes I peel the potatoes and sometimes I don't. It's good with skins off or on. Slice the potatoes into 1/8 inch thick slices. I take frozen bacon because it's easier to cut and cut strips down the side to get my one-inch pieces. Put enough olive oil in a large deep skillet (cast iron is good) to cover bottom of pan about 1/4 inch deep. Add all of the potatoes to the pan, along with cut up bacon which hasn't been cooked yet; diced onions, parsley and salt and pepper. Cook on Medium high heat, stirring and watching so that potatoes don't burn -- because they will stick to the bottom of pan as they are cooking and you will need to scrape them up as they are browning. You can cover the pan for the first 20 minutes of cooking and cook on low and then turn up the heat for the last 15 minutes or so in order to brown some of the potatoes. "My mom used to make these. Got the recipe when we lived in Germany"


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