Beet, Fennel and Avocado Salad

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4 Servings
Fennel American
beets chevre fennel avocado salads shallot Fennel American

2 nel bulbs
4 small golden ts
1 cado
1 llot
4 tbs on juice
4 tbs e wine vinegar
4 oz t cheese
1 ccoli sprouts
1 ve oil
1 salt and per

roast beets in oven (leaves removed) for about an hour at 400 degrees - until tender throughout. fine dice the shallot and soak in lemon juice and vinegar for about 30 minutes. This will help the shallots mellow. thinly shave fennel and then mix with the shallot mixture. thinly slice avocado and sprinkle with lemon juice to keep from browning. Once beets are tender, let cool down and then slice thin. to plate, make a small base of golden beets on each dish, pile fennel ontop of the beets, then crumble goat cheese ontop of the fennel. arrange the avocado and garnish with broccoli sprouts. salt and pepper to taste and drizzle with a little olive oil. enjoy.


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